Upcoming Events:
Systemic Challenges in Academia and Navigating Applications for PhD programs, Summer Internships, and Postbach programs at the University of Pennsylvania
Date: Wednesday, Nov 1, 2023
Time: 11:20 – 12:20 pm
Location: BSB 118
Description: Kathryn (Kate) Hamilton, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania) will discuss opportunities to gain more research experience and training in Penn’s many summer internships, postbachs, and PhD programs. They will also discuss the Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, and Learner (IDEAL) Research Program that creates, nurtures, and maintains a Penn biomedical research community that embodies inclusivity, diversity, and equity. This event is open to all students, staff, and faculty. Lunch will be served.
Finding and applying to Summer Research Internships
Date: Wednesday, Dec 13, 2023
Time: 11:20 – 12:20 pm
Location: BSB 118
Description: Nathan Fried, Ph.D. (Associate Teaching Professor at Rutgers Camden) will give a 15 minute introductory talk on navigating applications to PhD programs with Cohort 5 of the MARC program who will sit on a panel to discuss their experience currently applying to PhD programs. This event is open to all students, staff, and faculty. Lunch will be served.
Interviewing for PhD programs workshop
Date: Wednesday, Jan 3, 2024
Time: 12:00 – 2:00 pm
Location: BSB 118
Description: Nathan Fried, Ph.D. (Associate Teaching Professor at Rutgers Camden) will host a two-hour workshop on preparing for interviews at Ph.D. programs. This event is open to all students, staff, and faculty. Lunch will be served.
Previous Events:
What is Orthopaedic Research and how do I go to the annual conference for free?
Date: Wednesday, Oct 25, 2023
Time: 11:20 – 12:20 pm
Location: BSB 118
Description: Christopher Panebianco, Ph.D. (PennPORT Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania) and his team will discuss the Conference Grant Program that provides funding to undergraduates from underrepresented backgrounds to attend the four-day Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting for free. This event is open to all students, staff, and faculty. Lunch will be served.
Finding and applying to PhD programs – Perspectives from a scientist from a low-income background.
Date: Wednesday, Oct 11, 2023
Time: 11:20 – 12:20 pm
Location: BSB 118
Description: Nathan Fried, Ph.D. (Associate Teaching Professor at Rutgers Camden) will give a 15 minute introductory talk on navigating applications to PhD programs with Cohort 4 of the MARC program who will sit on a panel to discuss their experience currently applying to PhD programs. This event is open to all students, staff, and faculty. Lunch will be served.
Transitioning from undergraduate to graduate researcher while applying to a PhD in CCIB.
Date: Wednesday, Oct 18, 2023
Time: 11:20 – 12:20 pm
Location: BSB 118
Description: Eric Klein, Ph.D. (Associate Profess and CCIB Graduate Program Director at Rutgers Camden) will discuss the differences between undergraduate- and graduate-level research while exploring the transition to PhD programs. He will also highlight the opportunities at Rutgers Camden to pursue a unique PhD in the Center for Computational and Integrative Biology. This event is open to all students, staff, and faculty. Lunch will be served.
Research Training Opportunities in UT Southwestern Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences – Perspectives from a first-gen scientist.
Date: Monday, Sep 25, 2023
Time: 11:20 – 12:20 pm
Location: JHSC 104A
Description: Arnaldo Díaz Vázquez, Ph.D. (Associate Dean, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at UT Southwestern Medical Center) will discuss navigating the challenges of applying to PhD programs, summer internships, and postbach programs as a first-generation student while highlighting the specifics of these programs at UT Southwestern. This event is open to all students, staff, and faculty. Lunch will be served.
Tapping into Camden Resources when applying to the NSF GRFP.
Date: Wednesday, Sep 20, 2023
Time: 11:20 – 12:20 pm
Location: JHSC 104A
Description: Laura Collins (Director, Office of Scholar Development & Fellowship Advising) and Jeannie Garmon (Director of Research Development at Rutgers University) from Rutgers Camden, will discuss the resources available to undergraduates and graduate students to apply to the NSF GRFP, the flagship research grant that funds your PhD or MS. This event is open to all students, staff, and faculty. Lunch will be served. Learn more about the NSF GRFP HERE.
Life as a PhD Student – Perspectives from Thomas Jefferson University
Date: Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Time: 11:20 – 12:20 pm
Location: JHSC 104BC
Description: Ever wonder what life is like for a PhD student? the path a student took to get to a PhD program? the type of research a PhD student pioneers? Join us for an in-person event with Thomas Jefferson University PhD students (Brittany Ruiz (former RUC bio major) – Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine PhD Program, Alana Williams – Neuroscience PhD Program, Laura Reynolds – Genetics, Genomics, and Cancer Biology PhD Program). They’ll discuss their journey and their research. Lunch provided, but RSVP required (RSVP here by Monday, May 2, 2022)!
MARC Program Virtual Q/A Day Session
Date: Friday, February 4, 2022
Time: 11:20 – 12:20 pm
Location: Dr. Fried’s Virtual Office
Description: Join RUC MARC faculty and students to learn more about the program and how to apply.
MARC Program Virtual Q/A Evening Session
Date: Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Time: 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Location: Dr. Fried’s Virtual Office
Description: Join RUC MARC faculty and students to learn more about the program and how to apply.
Applying to Summer Research programs (REUs) speaker panel.
Date: Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Time: 11:20 – 12:20 pm
Guest Speaker: Ramesh Raghupathi (Professor), Michael Nonnemacher (Associate Professor), Christina Curran-Alfaro (Current PhD student and Rutgers Camden alum) from Drexel University’s College of Medicine
Location: Dr. Fried’s Virtual Office
Description: Join the RUC MARC team to hear from a panel of faculty, staff, and former REU students on applying to REU programs across the nation! The guest speakers will focus primarily on Drexel’s local SURF program where students conduct research over the summer at Drexel University.
Applying to PhD and MD/PhD programs speaker panel.
Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Time: 11:20 – 12:20 pm
Guest Speaker: Vanessa Martinez Penn, IDEAL Research at University of Pennsylvania!
Location: Dr. Fried’s Virtual Office
Description: Join the RUC MARC team to hear from a panel of faculty, staff, and PhD students at the University of Pennsylvania. This is not to be missed!
Preparing your personal statements and letters of rec for PhD and REU programs.
Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Time: 11:20 – 12:20 pm
Guest Speaker: TBA
Location: Dr. Fried’s Virtual Office
Description: Join the RUC MARC team to learn about preparing your !
Finding schools to apply to for REUs and PhDs.
Date: Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Time: 11:20 – 12:20 pm
Guest Speaker: MARC FELLOWS!
Description: Join the RUC MARC team in discussing how to prepare applications for writing PhD and REU applications in the biomedical sciences.
RUC MARC Annual Bioinformatics Workshop: Hunting for the next COVID variant
Date: Friday, August 27, 2021
Time: 1:00 – 2:00 pm
Guest Speaker: MARC FELLOWS!
Location: https://rcit.rutgers.edu/av-request/live/bioinformaticstrainingworkshop
Description: For the past several days, the RUC MARC fellows have been hard at work learning how to use bioinformatics tools to explore the genome of the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus with the goal of finding potential variants of interest. Join us for the live streaming of this inaugural annual Bioinformatics Bootcamp event.
Applying to the NSF GFRP – Workshop with Professor Kimberly Moran and Laura Collins
Date: Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Time: 11:20-12:20
Guest Speaker: Kimberly Moran (Associate Teaching Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, Rutgers Camden) and Laura Collins (Assistant Dean, Honors College, Rutgers Camden).
Description: As part of our MARC workshop series, Laura Collins will introduce you to the NSF-GFRP, a flagship research grant undergraduates planning to pursue a PhD can apply to that pays their stipend and research expenses while in graduate school. Getting this grant is not easy, but it’s something all students considering a PhD should have their eyes on. Professor Moran will lead students in the session on discussing best practices for writing successful grants. While focused on undergraduates, graduate students are more than welcome to join!
MARC Recruitment Event – #DisabledinSTEM with Dr. Joseph Zinski
Date: Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Time: 11:20-12:20
Guest Speaker: Joseph Zinski, PhD (IRACDA PennPORT Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania)
Description: In our MARC recruitment speaker series, we’re honored to have Dr. Zinski discuss his research on neurodevelopmental disorders, his career path in science, advice he has for students interested in following in his path, and his perspectives on diversity, equity, and inclusion related to scientists with disabilities. Many of you may already know Dr. Zinski as he taught SBR in the Fall of 2020 and is currently teaching a special topics course on the bioethics of genetic studies. We’ll also discuss how to apply to the MARC program! While focused on undergraduates, graduate students are more than welcome to join!
MARC Recruitment Event – #BlackinSTEM with Andre Toussaint and Dr. Ishmail Abdus-Saboor
Date: Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Time: 11:20-12:20
Guest Speaker: Andre Toussaint (PhD candidate, Wimmer Lab, Dept. of Psychology, Temple University) and Ishmail Abdus-Saboor, PhD (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biology, University of Pennsylvania)
Description: In our MARC recruitment speaker series, we’re excited to host two excellent neuroscientists working on a collaborative research project investigating how paternal morphine exposure can change an offspring’s sensitivity to pain. Both will discuss their research, careers, and perspectives on navigating academia as Black scientists. We’ll also discuss how to apply to the MARC program! While focused on undergraduates, graduate students are more than welcome to join!
MARC Recruitment Event – What can you BE with a PhD!?
Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Time: 11:20-12:20
Guest Speaker: TBD
Description: So often, we think a PhD is only for people who want a research career. But the reality is that’s its for those who want a SCIENTIFIC career. Less than 50% of those who get a PhD in the biomedical sciences continue in a research role as their long-term primary career. The other 50% end up in a range of interesting career paths including non-profits, scientific consulting, entrepreneurial leadership, science journalism, public policy, education, science outreach, medical illustration, and others. While obtaining a PhD requires you to conduct a years-long research project of discovery, what you do after that is up to YOU. Come to this session to dispel the myth that a PhD is only for a career in research and learn how the MARC program can be a stepping stone for a wide variety of career directions. While focused on undergraduates, graduate students are more than welcome to join!
MARC Recruitment Event – #HispanicinSTEM with Dr. Maria Solesio
Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Time: 11:20-12:20
Guest Speaker: Maria Solesio, PhD (Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Rutgers Camden)
Description: In our MARC recruitment speaker series, we’re excited to have Dr. Solesio discuss both her research on neurodegeneration and advancement through a scientific career as a Hispanic woman. Zoom in to learn about the role of mitochondria in neuronal death, gain Dr. Solesio’s advice for other Hispanic/LatinX trainees pursuing a career in research, and to learn about how you can apply to the RUC MARC research training scholarship program. While focused on undergraduates, graduate students are more than welcome to join!
MARC Recruitment Event – A conversation with Dr. Timothy Mosca
Date: Thursday, February 25, 2021
Time: 1:45-2:30
Guest Speaker: Timothy Mosca, PhD (Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience, Thomas Jefferson University)
Description: Dr. Mosca has agreed to meet with MARC fellows and other Rutgers Camden students right after his Biology Seminar entitled, “The first cut is the … maturest? Uniting neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration through proteolysis”. In this session, Dr. Mosca will discuss his research, career path, and Diversity/Equity/Inclusion. While focused on undergraduates, graduate students are more than welcome to join!
How to get Rec Letters and How to Present your Research
Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Time: 11:20-12:20
Guest Speaker: Presenter TBD
Writing Personal Statements for PhD program and Summer Research Experiences
Date: Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Time: 11:20-12:20
Guest Speaker: Kate Hacker PhD, current postdoctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania and former MARC fellow
Applying to PhD and MD/PhD programs
Location: CNS201
Date: Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Time: 11:20-12:20 pm
Description: PhD students from Thomas Jefferson University (Stanley Conaway- ABRCMS Ambassador and 3rd yr PhD student, Elizabeth McDuffie – former MARC Fellow and 1st yr PhD student, and Weelic Chong – 4th yr MD/PhD student) will discuss their paths to graduate school along with their current research. Come to see how they navigated the application process and how they’re thriving in graduate school. Pizza lunch will be served!
UPenn MD/PhD Information Session
Location: CNS202
Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Time: 2:00-3:00 pm
Description: The RUC MARC program hosts Lawrence (Skip) Brass, MD/PhD who is a researcher at Penn and the Director of Penn’s MD/PhD program. At this session, Dr. Brass, along with his students, will discuss what doing an MD/PhD is like, how to get in, and tips for having a successful physician-scientist career. His students will also discuss how they navigated coming to college with a goal of pursuing an MD but once bitten by the “research bug”, how they pivoted toward an MD/PhD. This event is geared to Biology majors but all others are welcome to attend. Also….free pizza.